That is, the function tapply() applies FUN on X grouped by factors in INDEX. The function tapply(X, INDEX,FUN) split the data of X into subgroups based on the levels of INDEX variable, then apply the function FUN to each subgroup of the data. simplify: If FALSE, tapply returns an array of mode list.INDEX: list of one or more factor each of same length as X.X: an atomic object, typically a vector.The general syntax of tapply() function is tapply(X, INDEX,FUN=NULL.,simplify=TRUE) That is tapply() function allows us to create a group summaries based on factor levels. The tapply() function is very useful to aggregate the data. tapply() function is available in base R package. In this tutorial, we will discuss about tapply() function in R with some examples. 2.5 Example 5: tapply() Function with multiple factors.2.4 Example 4: Simplified result using tapply() Function.2.3 Example 3: tapply() Function with user-defined function.

The intercept is an estimate of the cell mean when each factor is at its first level.With the default contrast coding ( "eatment"), This model has an underlying assumption that the error SD is homogeneous, and its estimated value is 10.94. Residual standard error: 10.94 on 48 degrees of freedom First, the model itself: > getOption("contrasts")